April 18, 2018

VEP210-3CL Gloriani JAS-SecN

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              We all know that being a leader or to lead is very hard, but there are many ways to become excellent in leading and to have a good leadership. In order to have that they must know the skills and abilities of their subordinates. Also they must have the what we called the Ten Core Values.


Having these values, honor, excellence, respect, courage, humility, integrity, loyalty, duty, solidarity and love for God and Country you can now be successful in leading
              You must have an Honor to have your subordinates faith in you. To give their trust in you and follow you as if you have a task for them.
              Excellence, is not mean being perfect, it means is being good or professional to something. Doing great job and doing anything for the success of your team.
              Showing courtesy to others like is showing your respect to someone. Using polite words, following instructions of a leader, preventing a bad habit that is opposite in your plan.
              Take all the challenges even though you do not know how it is dangerous. Thinking of something that can help you to motivate and continue those tasks.
              Not abusing his power to his underclass or subordinates, being gentle.
              Doing the right in reliable way. Perform your job even though there is no supervising.

              You must have an Honor to have your subordinates faith in you. To give their trust in you and follow you as if you have a task for them. 
             Excellence, is not mean being perfect, it means is being good or professional to something. Doing great job and doing anything for the success of your team.              Showing courtesy to others like is showing your respect to someone. Using polite words, following instructions of a leader, preventing a bad habit that is opposite in your plan. 
             Take all the challenges even though you do not know how it is dangerous. Thinking of something that can help you to motivate and continue those tasks.              Not abusing his power to his underclass or subordinates, being gentle.
               Doing the right in reliable way. Perform your job even though there is no supervising.
              You must have an Honor to have your subordinates faith in you. To give their trust in you and follow you as if you have a task for them.
              Excellence, is not mean being perfect, it means is being good or professional to something. Doing great job and doing anything for the success of your team.              Showing courtesy to others like is showing your respect to someone. Using polite words, following instructions of a leader, preventing a bad habit that is opposite in your plan. 
             Take all the challenges even though you do not know how it is dangerous. Thinking of something that can help you to motivate and continue those tasks.              Not abusing his power to his underclass or subordinates, being gentle. 
              Doing the right in reliable way. Perform your job even though there is no supervising.
              The fidelity of someone to others and something, having trust that is loyalty. Showing the truthfulness in your career so that each of your subordinates will follow you.
             Your responsibility to someone, performing your task. Protecting and securing your people and country.
              Being one, having unity, unified mission and cooperation. "One for all and All for One," this quote shows the solidarity and helping one another
              Love for God and Country, if you have all this Nine Values, You automatically have this.
              Leadership is not only to lead but also an example.x

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